Understanding CLTV - How Much Cash Can You Access?

Posted by Spring EQ on Mar 3, 2022 11:27:38 AM

What is your CLTV? And Why does it matter to Lenders?

The amount of cash you can access from your home is dependent on various lender requirements, with one of the most important being your CLTV, which means "combined loan-to-value" ratio.


Topics: Cashout, mortgage, HomeEquity, CashAccess

There's No Place Like Home Equity

Posted by Spring EQ on Feb 7, 2022 1:42:13 PM

For home improvement, debt consolidation, education costs or anything else—home equity loans are a great choice for many homeowners looking to access cash from their home.


Topics: mortgage, HomeEquity, FixedRate, CashAccess, HomeImprovement

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